
Find your best-matched profession in IT with our career test

Explore career possibilities to match your aspirations

Test created by the leading experts from partner companies

About us in numbers

Number of competencies we validated
Number of experts we conducted interviews with
Saved years before finding a suitable job with our help

How does it look like

Answer the questions, scan your face traits and voice, so we can learn more about you and find your best-matched profession in IT.

After receiving test results describing your best matched professions, analyzing your strong skills, highlighting areas of improvement and proposing career growth plan, start your transformation.

Unlock your career possibilities to match your aspirations.

How does it look like

Answer the questions, scan your face traits and voice, so we can learn more about you and find your best-matched profession in IT.

After receiving test results describing your best matched professions, analyzing your strong skills, highlighting areas of improvement and proposing career growth plan, start your transformation.

Unlock your career possibilities to match your aspirations.

How does it work


Make selfie

Our AI algorithm evaluates decision nature, psychology type, values and character through face scan


Answer 29 questions

Your answers will help us to discover behaviour patterns


Artificial intelligence analyzes your answers

Our algorithms identify patterns and make personal predictions based on learned information


Receive the report analyzing your competencies and defining career path

You will find out which profession best corresponds to your talents and abilities

Knowing yourself is the key to choosing the perfect career path. We can help you discover more about yourself

To ensure that the Career Partner Test provides respondents with the comprehensive report, we involved the expertise from the top recruiting communities. Together with these specialist we created algorithms to breakdown skills, strengths, interests, values, personality traits and motivations to determine the best suited career path for each individual. Gained knowledge and experience help us to make guides how to enter the IT industry from the very starting point, and help every person understand their strengths and weakness.

The questions were formed by career consultants from the following companies:
The One Community



A career test is an assessment tool designed to help individuals gain insights into their interests, personality traits, skills, and values in relation to different career paths. It provides guidance and suggestions for potential career options based on the individual's responses.

Yes. We have machine learning algorithm and expert evaluation of physiognomy. They help us discover valuable insights, that our clients miss while reflecting on their personal interests, values, skills, and defining which professions can suit them perfectly.

Our test can be completed within 25 minutes. It's important to set aside enough time to carefully read and respond to each question to ensure accurate results.

Sure. According to our privacy and confidentiality policies, results are available only for those who passed the test.

Sure. Taking a career test can be beneficial even if you already have a job. Career test can provide valuable insights into your interests, strengths, and potential career paths that you may not have considered before.

Use career test results as a starting point for self-reflection and career exploration. Review the suggested career options, research those fields, and consider how they align with your interests, values, and goals.
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